Top 5 Middle Eastern Ingredients
In the past couple of years, ingredients and recipes from Northern Africa and the Middle East have started to emerge as store cupboard staples
In the past couple of years, ingredients and recipes from Northern Africa and the Middle East have started to emerge as store cupboard staples
One of the best parts of my job is one I’d never have predicted when we opened the doors of our Perth city deli in 2005. At the time we were focused on cheese, wine and artisan producers from Scotland, the UK and into mainland Europe. As the years rolled on, the world became a smaller place and cultures, ingredients and food traditions from every corner of the globe wound their way into our stomachs and hearts. It was only a matter of time before our local artisans began to draw their inspiration from this global smorgasbord of flavours bringing a whole host of new and exciting speciality products to our shelves.
In the past couple of years, ingredients and recipes from Northern Africa and the Middle East have started to emerge as store cupboard staples meaning we can now bring you the flavours and scents of a Middle Eastern street market while dealing with a producer just down the road!
Think intoxicating spice blends and delicately flavoured pastes that pack a powerful punch of flavour into any dish. Here’s our top five!
SUMAC: The brick-red finely ground berries of the sumac shrub give an astringent, lemony brightness to whatever they touch. A sprinkle wakes up the simplest ingredients: steamed rice, cooked meats, or stone fruit.
DUKKAH: A traditional Egyptian condiment, dukkah is a mix of nuts, seeds, and spices all crushed up into a very fine, dry mix. It's great for bringing texture and flavour to dips and salads and our top tip is to sprinkle it on popcorn.
PRESERVED LEMONS: That wonderful ingredient we all want to buy – but just what do you do with them? They are perfect for adding amazing, citrusy flavour to a tagine – chicken or lamb especially – and ideal for slicing into hot pans with fish.
HARISSA: Harissa is the staple spice paste for North African cuisine and adds areal warmth to meals. Use it in soups – delicious in a carrot and ginger – lamb stews or as a rub for meat and fish. A little does go a long way – as you’d expect from a blend of chillies, caraway, coriander and cumin – so do a few taste tests to get your chosen taste just perfect.
RAS AL HANUT: A blend of over 20 different spices this is a well-rounded, warm, fragrant and spicy flavour that brings warmth – not heat – to the table. Stick it into everything from scrambled eggs to roasted veggies and cous cous, fish stews to a rack of Scotch lamb!
You may also like to try these wonderful spices from Steenberg: