It is officially Autumn and here in the deli we're beginning to feel very festive! First came the Hallowe'en chocolate lollies and mini biscuits, then came the Christmas confectionery!
Now that we've got the C word out of the way, we're going to offer some sage advice for Christmas 2021. You've probably read all about the delivery crisis, the stock shortage and the general chaos sweeping retail at the moment. We are currently unaffected in any major way but we have no idea what might come in the weeks to follow - we know of some independent retailers who have been waiting on stock since July.
And so, given that all of these lovely gifts have a nice long shelf life we recommend that this year you start a little early. This isn't a sales pitch - I promise! It's simply me letting you know that I can't rule out these early deliveries of sweets and booze being our last.
(this is just a small selection, scroll down to see everything!)
Late September is one of our favourite seasons with first of the Vacherin Cheese arriving from its mountainous origins in Franche-Comté.