Summer living! We adore this time of year, when Scottish seasonal produce is at its best - Raspberries, strawberries and asparagus, welcome back old friends! - and eating a staple diet of picnic food is perfectly acceptable.
And who could deny that one of the very best things about those long summer nights is an ice cold beer?Our craft brewers must feel the same way, with no fewer than FIFETEEN new flavours now in the deli from artisans across Scotland.
If you really must feed your family a hot meal, then we recommend you try the fantastic new cooking sauces from Christian Potier; Lemon and Dill, Morell Mushroom or Red Wine varities offer up an endless stream of suppers to keep you going until autumn!
The following suppliers have all brought us some new and exciting products or flavours this month. In some cases they're newly launched, in others they're new to us at Provender Brown. Either way, well worth a try!
One of our favourite soft goat cheeses, Ailsa Craig, is once again available to buy. Find out about the amazing Dunlop Dairy, producers of this creamy little parcel of delicousness.